
C Blank Cards(已翻譯)邏輯謎題


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C Blank Cards


There are two cards — one with the letter "C" and the other blank.
這裏有兩張卡片 — 一張上面寫有字母 C,而另一張則空白一片。
You want to check if the following statement is true for the two cards:
If a card has a number on one side, then it is blank on the other.

Which card(s) must you flip?
來源:C Blank Cards (BRILLIANT)
  • Consider the blank card: it does not matter whether or not there is a number on the other side because the statement is still true in either case.
  • 考慮那一張空白卡片:有沒有一個數字在那一張卡片的另一邊並沒有關係,因為無論哪一種情况,命題依然成立。
  • Consider the C card: You need to check the C card because the statement will be false if there is a number on the back.
  • 考慮那一張有一個 C 字在上面的卡片:你需要檢查這一張卡片,因為如果另一面有數字在這張卡片上面的話,命題將不成立。
  • Therefore, the C card is the only card you need to flip.
  • 因此,那一張有一個 C 字在上面的卡片是唯一一張你需要反轉驗查的卡片。


Edit for clarity:
Examine the table below for all possible scenarios:
Scenario # C Card Blank Card True/False
1 Number Number False
2 Number No Number False
3 No Number Number True
4 No Number No Number True

  1. There is a number on the back of a non-blank card. Therefore, the statement is false. Verification is only needed on the C Card.
  2. There is a number on the back of a non-blank card. Therefore, the statement is false. Verification is only needed on the C Card.
  3. All cards that are not blank do not have numbers on the back. Therefore, the statement is true. Verification is only needed for the C Card.
  4. All cards that are not blank do not have numbers on the back. Therefore, the statement is true. Verification is only needed for the C Card.
In all the scenarios, you only need to check the C Card. 
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