《一人之境》 - 破關攻略

1.go out first
2.press the door
3.open item and use the paper to window
4.get the command and go to locker find number 19 to type 009
5.use the item and type chem
6.use the command to go to chemistry room
normal end:mix the two chemical and make the hissing sound,use the command to go to computer room
7.after typing !givemethesword,type the !givemetheshield
8.type the command go to the exit
9.fight with dog
10.open the door
bad end:only type the !givemethesword and fight
true end:7.after mixing the two chemical,solve the yyyy+mm+dd is 2044,get the sprayer,
8.spray on the paper
get the command and go to hall,
9.use the paper that you got from locker number 29 to the dog,
10.after you go back,press the small door,talk with the dog